When to Call a KitchenAid Appliance Repair Specialist

What’s Wrong With Your KitchenAid Fridge?

Refrigerators today are technological marvels, with cutting-edge features that would have been unimaginable even years ago. Companies like KitchenAid work hard to strike a good cost-effective appliance while still making simple products. Yet, just like any other machine, these occasionally malfunction. Are you currently dealing with one? Examine the most frequently encountered issues that may necessitate the assistance of a KitchenAid appliance repair technician.

Leaking Water

Customers have complained that their Kitchenaid refrigerators occasionally leak water, flooding the kitchen and ruining the hardwood floors. Common culprits for this problem include a clogged defrost drain or a frozen water supply line. The defrost drain, usually inside the unit, can become clogged. Warm water flushes out waste and can be used to clear the drain from inside the freezer, but you may have to remove some stubborn bits of food first. Find the defrost drain hose at the bottom of your fridge and give it a good scrub with hot water and soap.

Not Defrosting

If your KitchenAid refrigerator isn’t defrosting, the defrost system may be broken. A buildup of ice may occur if the freezer door is left open for an extended period, increasing the humidity level inside the freezer. When you’re done using the freezer, shut the door, so the humidity doesn’t rise. There could be a leak in your freezer’s seal letting in air and increasing the moisture inside. If you want to ensure your freezer maintains stable temperature and humidity, replace the seal.

Loud Noises

When your Kitchenaid fridge makes strange noises, it may be due to a dirty compressor. Conventional refrigerators have two fans: one for the condenser and one for the evaporator. Your unit’s coil will stay cool thanks to the condenser fan. While the compressor is working, cold air is drawn over the coils in a freezer by the fan. Since both fans are constantly spinning simultaneously, a problem with either motor can cause your fridge to become noticeably louder. Servicing it is the best way to go.

In Columbia, MD, the experts of JH Appliance Repair stand ready to provide top-quality and affordable KitchenAid appliance repair solutions. Dial (301) 221-0441 now for an appointment.

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